Infectious Disease – USMLE Step 2 GS

ID audio review

Infectious disease audio review for USMLE

This audio review of infectious disease topics covers the most high yield materials at the level of clinical years (MS3 through PGY1), and is appropriate for ward rounds or USMLE step 2 and 3 preparation.

Infectious Disease Topics Covered

Starting with a detailed approach to Fevers of Unknown Origin (FUO), the infectious disease course takes you through the most important infections in medicine, surgery and pediatrics. It also walks you through ID emergencies, like septic shock and toxic shock syndrome.

Frequently tested topics, like hepatitis, pericarditis, and peritonitis are reviewed from a clinical and pathophysiological view point. It is a great way to prepare for rounds – with the most common “pimping” questions answered in a concise way.

This course is one section of the Gold Standard USMLE Step 2 Audio Review course, and is included in that larger course – so  you can get credit to the purchase of the larger course if you later decide to buy that full course.

You can find board review courses for infectious disease in our CME section.